Oriana es productora de noticias y documentales con años de experiencia en el medio, y trabajando para diversos clientes.
If you look at any list of the most dangerous places in the world, around half of those listed are in Mexico. And among those, one city always tops the list – Tijuana. The city has the busiest border crossing with the U.S., and as COVID-19 strikes the region, CGTN’s Alasdair Baverstock tells us how the city may be impacted.
It’s banned in some countries for allegedly creating a market for human trafficking, especially babies.
In the first part of our series examining the human side of illegal immigration in the United States, we follow a Mexican family separated for years, then allowed to reunite. But only for a short time. Our correspondent, Alasdair Baverstock has their story.
An alcoholic beverage from Mexico is generating strong sales across the globe. But are the artisans who have been making the distilled spirit all these years losing out?